Application access


Login screen

Signup and login

Welcome to Solvermind’s SEDGE!

A - You can sign up at While signing up, fill in your full name, email, username, and select your password. The next step is to agree to our terms & conditions, and you are ready to go.

B - An email will be sent with the activation link to your registered e-mail ID. Click on the link provided and this will take you to the login page.

C - In the login page enter the username and password and you will be able to access the SEDGE application.

D - If you face any issue with login or signup, you can contact our support team ( who will assist you with accessing the application.

Forgot Password

  • If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the link “forgot Username or Password”, next to the sign-in button.

  • Enter your email id and click on the button “Reset Password”. It will send an email with password reset option to your email id. Click the link and it will take you to link reset password page, where you can reset your password by entering a new password.

  • In the login page enter the username and the new password and you will be able to access the SEDGE application.

Forgot Username

  • If you have forgotten your username, you can click on the link “forgot Username”, next to the sign-in button.

  • Enter your email id and it will send an email with your username details to your email id.

  • In the login page enter the username and the password and you will be able to access the SEDGE application.

If you need any support, contact us at